Terms and Conditions Doctor Home Visit medicallexpat.com
  1. Definitions 

In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following  meanings:  

  • “Service” refers to the doctor home visit service provided by medicall  expat services or medicallexpat.com through the digital platform website  and instant messaging application to Consumers or Clients. 
  • “Consumer” refers to an individual or entity that orders and receives the  Service from medicallexpat.com; in this case, our services specifically  cater to foreign nationals or expatriates currently residing in Indonesia. 
  • “Out of pocket payment” is a non-insurance payment method made in  cash directly from the client, once the service is received and completed at  the client’s location. 
  • “medi-call expat services” refers to a registered trademark owned by PT  Medika Nusantara Gumilang, which is a company that provides a web  portal and/or digital platform with the commercial purpose of offering home  visit or doctor visit Services. 
  • “Doctor” refers to a qualified doctor according to applicable regulations,  with experience in home visits, who is affiliated with the medicallexpat.com  platform to provide health Services through home visits to Consumers or  Client travelers who are foreign nationals or expatriates currently residing  in Indonesia.
  1. Consent 

By ordering the Service, the Consumer agrees to be bound by these Terms and  Conditions. If the Consumer does not agree to these Terms and Conditions, the  Consumer is automatically not permitted to order the Service. 

  1. Service 

medicallexpat.com will provide the Service to the Consumer in accordance with 

these Terms and Conditions. The Service will be provided by qualified and  experienced Doctors. The Service includes, but is not limited to, the following: ● Health examination on-site; 

  • Administration of vaccines, rabies vaccines, and immunoglobulin for  humans; 
  • Dispensation of medication; 
  • Wound care or other medical procedures that can still be performed on site; 
  • Health consultation; 
  • Other services in compliance with health regulations that can be  performed during a home visit. 
  1. Service Fees 

The service fees will be determined by medicallexpat.com and will be displayed  on the medicallexpat.com website at the following link:  https://medicallexpat.com/doctor-near-me under the PRICE PACKAGE section  for each respective service. In the medicallexpat.com service, to facilitate and  simplify pricing, it is categorized into three schemes: Basic (100 USD),  Intermediate (200 USD), and Advanced (300* USD), subsequently paid in  Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) currency with conversion to US Dollars on the  transaction day. The determination of the service fee package will be adjusted  based on the client’s condition and indications of complaints. Our Doctors will  inform the client of the service package before any specific action is taken.  Service fees may change from time to time, and the Consumer will be charged  based on the prevailing price at the time of ordering the Service. 

  1. Payment 

The Consumer makes payment directly or in cash with the Indonesian Rupiah  (IDR) currency as an “out of pocket” payment for the provided Service. Payment  can be made using electronic money, credit cards, debit cards, or digital bank 

transfers. Payment must be made promptly after the Service is provided, and in  the event that the client uses health insurance, it is your responsibility to directly  verify with your insurance provider regarding the coverage of incurred expenses.  We also offer electronic payment options through third-party payment gateways,  or payment via EDC machines facilitated by our medical personnel attending to  you.

  1. Cancellation 

The Consumer may cancel the Service by contacting medicallexpat.com at least  24 hours before the scheduled time for the Service. If the Consumer cancels the  Service within 24 hours prior to the scheduled time, the Consumer will incur a  charge of 50% of the Service price. If the Consumer cancels the Service less  than 24 hours before the scheduled time, the Consumer will be charged 100% of  the basic doctor’s service fee. 

  1. Service Failure 

medicallexpat.com acts as an online mediator or aggregator that connects  doctors with consumers or clients. The availability of the service is highly  dependent on the availability of doctors and our partner clinics located nearest to  the client, who are prepared to provide home visit services according to their  respective areas and duty hours. If medicallexpat.com fails to provide the Service  due to reasons beyond the control of medicallexpat.com, such as emergency  weather conditions, medicallexpat.com will notify the client as soon as possible. 

  1. Guarantee 

medicallexpat.com assures that the Service will only be provided by doctors or  official clinic partners who possess valid registration certificates and licenses in  compliance with regulations in Indonesia. In the event that a Consumer is  dissatisfied with the Service, they may contact the administrator of  medicallexpat.com to lodge a complaint regarding the provided service. We will  endeavor to find the best solution for both parties.

  1. Limitation of Liability 

As a commercial web portal and/or digital platform, medicallexpat.com is not  liable for any losses or damages that may occur as a result of the use of the  provided Service. All medical actions, treatments, medications, medical  procedures, and healthcare services performed at the client’s location are the  authority and full responsibility of our partner Doctors who possess official  certificates and the necessary competence to carry out such actions. 

  1. Applicable Law 

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. Any disputes arising out of or in  connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be finally settled by the courts  with exclusive jurisdiction in Denpasar, Indonesia. 

  1. Variations 

medicallexpat.com reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from  time to time. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will take effect  immediately upon being posted on the medicallexpat.com website. It is the  Consumer’s responsibility to periodically check the medicallexpat.com website for  updates to these Terms and Conditions. 

  1. Other Rights 

These Terms and Conditions do not diminish any other rights that  medicallexpat.com may have under the law. 

  1. Entire Agreement 

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the  Consumer and medicallexpat.com regarding the Service. These Terms and  Conditions supersede all prior communications and representations, whether oral  or written, between the Consumer and medicallexpat.com regarding the Service.

  1. Service Availability 

The Service is available in specific areas only. The Consumer must contact the  administrator of medicalexpat.com via WhatsApp at the number provided on the  medicallexpat.com website or can contact our alternative number at: +62 813- 8850-1335 to inquire about the availability of the Service in their respective area.